Charles H. Dyson Application Commeric和bob电竞在哪里打开Management学院教授
David R. Lee是Charles H. Dyson of Applied Commericonic和Management学院的国际教授。bob电竞在哪里打开他从威斯康星州麦迪逊大学获得阿默斯特学院的BA学位和MA和博士学位。他的研究主要侧重于经济发展,农业和环境之间的界面,包括粮食安全,可持续农业,技术采用,环境服务,气候变化和农业和环境政策。他在近30个国家进行了研究或咨询,主要在拉丁美洲,也是在撒哈拉以南非洲,中东,南亚和东欧。He has served as a visiting economist in the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (Rome), in the chief economist's office of the U.S. Agency for International Development (Washington, DC) and in the Economic Research Service of USDA (Washington, DC); as a visiting fellow at the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi in Turin, Italy; and as a visiting professor at universities in Italy, the Netherlands, Venezuela, and Honduras.