Josephine Martell是一位公共政策专业人士和社会科学家,拥有超过20年的经验,倡导社会公平,实施公共政策以及在保护领域建立跨部门合作伙伴关系。她的研究研究了不同的框架信息方式如何影响保护决策和随后的政治行为。约瑟芬(Josephine)的工作着重于现实生活中的沟通和倡导运动,以便对保护领域产生直接影响,同时为沟通和政治参与文献做出贡献。
在她的研究赠款生涯中,她撰写并提交了数百份联邦和基金会赠款,并保持了39-44%的资金成功率。Josephine’s grant experience includes running the Office of Research Development in the Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences that emphasizes the science of team science (SciTS), leading the research grants program at the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International, whose work protects mountain gorillas in Rwanda and Grauer’s gorillas in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and overseeing the research grant office at the Rhode Island School of Design, where she focused on the intersection in research between art and design, and science. Josephine has also served two terms as an elected alderperson in the fifth ward on Ithaca City Council and has demonstrated a commitment to public service throughout her life.
在她的职业生涯的早期,约瑟芬在国内和国际上都在与国际异国情调的宠物贸易一样多样化,以赋予妇女生殖权利。在立法和政策方面受过训练和经验丰富,她一直是州和联邦一级这些问题的前线的动手冠军和游说者。她过去的一些项目包括从不合标准的设施中搬迁大猫,并在卡特里娜飓风过后与流离失所的动物一起在地面上工作。She has worked to pass state laws on captive animal issues, women’s reproductive rights, and racial and LGBTQ+ equity, conducted an undercover investigation into poor welfare practices for big cats in captivity, worked closely with federal agencies, drafted federal legislation, and written multiple reports for federal and state legislators. Her media appearances include Animal Planet’s hit mini-series Fatal Attractions, as well as The BBC World News, The Today Show, Larry King Live, and 20/20.
约瑟芬(Josephine)拥有塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)卡明斯兽医学院(Cummings School of Tufts University)的动物和公共政策中心的公共政策硕士学位,目前正在康奈尔大学(Cornell University)获得自然资源和环境博士学位。约瑟芬(Josephine)和她的丈夫和三个孩子一起住在伊萨卡(Ithaca),是一个狂热的跑步者。