




Maria Goula是一个许可的建筑师(Auth,Gr 1990)和一个景观建筑师(MLA 1996,ETSAB,UPC),博士(2007年,区域规划和城市设计,巴塞罗那建筑学学院,UPC)在景观设计理论中。超过20年,她在西班牙巴塞罗那教授和工作专业。她对沿海旅游业的研究,特别是关于沿海动力学的休闲模式的解释和重塑。她是一个设计师,她主要有兴趣将跨域知识转化为沿海的跨学科知识进入设计方案。她的研究谱涵盖了地中海沿海旅游和景观建筑探究方法的历史,在国际上,在国际上欣赏海岸和休闲。她通过景观设计工作室和国际设计研讨会以及(地中海)海岸的先锋专业研究和规划经验,开发前者。她的研究还涉及培养景观素材,以丰富规划政策制定和设计工具,以实现弹性景观。她的经验是基于她的工作,作为一个领先的研究员,为委托委托委员会委托和协调的两个景观目录创造了一个领先的研究人员:对于Lleida和Girona地区(后者由2011年国家领土奖颁发的后者授予加泰罗尼亚州的研究),弥合欧洲景观公约的目标,并符合加泰罗尼亚区域规划目标。她现在正在研究一个研究项目,可以绘制与伊利运河有关的景观,纽约州的遗产走廊。 Maria is considered an expert in Mediterranean semiarid ordinary landscapes, a term she coined in her doctoral thesis, where she investigated how a particular application of design traditions in combination with conventional environmental values and practices have excluded certain kind of dynamic landscapes, such as torrents. With her research on contemporary urban design, on contemporary cartography tactics, with the direction of six PhD candidates, and more over, with collaborative and participative pioneer design work, she is working on reversing the attitude of design disciplines towards the aforementioned landscapes. She is a foundation member of the scientific and organizing committee of the European/ International Landscape Biennial of Barcelona since 2000, a disciplinary event that gathers ground-breaking professionals and academics and it is considered as one of the most important platforms for Landscape Architecture worldwide. Also, she is an Adjunct Researcher of the Institute for Research on Habitat, Territory and Tourism, IHTT, by the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and Universidad of Malaga, Last but not least, Maria is member of the Board of Foundation Landscape Architecture Europe-LAE, Wageningen, Netherlands, as well as a member of the Board of the Journal of Landscape [JOLA] and of "paiseaDos” Landscape Journal.


景观框架适用于弹性城市政策:重塑沿海城市环境_ Cagayan de Oro,菲律宾。与人居署合作,城市弹性分析计划。该研究的第一个结果在UN Booklet公布,并于2016年10月在Quito的栖息地3次会议上展示。


  • -1st奖项国际比赛“Collserola盖茨是一个突出自然公园的倡议,并向城市介绍性质。第15门Ciutat Meridiana”。(2012)巴塞罗那,西班牙的市政府
  • -1st奖项国际竞争“项目:绿色走廊Cerdanyola。”(2009年)财团,Cerdanyola delVallès,巴塞罗那。
  • 特别提及作为教学时期的教育者(2009年)Agencia Catalana Universitaria(ACU),独立的外部国家大学评估机构。
  • 代表了Catalonia_4th Ed。实习生。花园Fest Metis。加拿大(2003)西班牙加泰罗尼亚Generalitat de Catalonia