领导纽约是在农业和粮食产业中致力于提升和在社区产生差异的忠诚领袖。Lead NY执行董事Larry Van de Valk与Ron Ramstad(5级)坐下来谈论领导,在纽约州及以后工作,以及他从头建造公司的建议。
1995年,我辞去了纽约州北部一家中型家禽公司市场总监的职位。我在一家风险投资公司工作了一年,对食品公司进行评估和指导。然后在1996年,在宾夕法尼亚州费城,一个机会出现了,作为一个财务拮据的熟食公司的首席执行官。工厂、员工和财务状况都非常糟糕。我不得不撤掉所有高管,从世贸中心遗址开始。我重建了团队和设备,并在2个月内实现了盈利。年内,我们为食品服务客户提供的库存单位由3个增至零售食品市场超过75个。该公司在2003年进入有机世界,这是多年的行业领先。我们重建了该设施,使其成为该地区一流的设施之一。这是通过使用最高级的精密设备和技术来实现的。 During this time all growth and improvements were accomplished by reinvestment of profits and no investment from partners. From my start in 1996 to the sale in 2019, sales increased 5 fold. The decision to sell was driven by the extreme competition in the organic sector by billion-dollar companies and high value of the real estate.
三年前,我知道我要卖艾米尔。虽然我喜欢在Deli肉行业工作,但是是时候想到接下来的事情了。我知道我的经历,我有发展新业务的技能。考虑到这一点,我听说了在爱荷华州正在制作的专业浆果。我去了爱荷华州的几个农场,并与种植者谈过。我发现的是一个具有非常独特的健康益处的产品,但农民们难以销售产品。随着我决定的,我可以为这个浆果制造我的市场。但是,我坚信我需要了解和成长我自己的浆果(Aronia)。有了这个,我发现了一个35英亩的农场,纽约。与合作伙伴,我们的家人种植了25,000个幼苗,放入了巨大的灌溉系统,从场挑选了大量的岩石。 This year we received our first organic certification on the farm. I started talking to people at Cornell regarding how they could help our organic Aronia berry farm. They were fantastic about introducing me to several great people. This enabled me to get exposure to the potential markets faster than I had expected. With that information, we decided I needed to harvest this year, so we could get a jump on product and market development. So, within 2 days of making this decision, I was picking up a borrowed specialty harvester from an Aronia berry grower in Nebraska. I drove it across county to our farm and had a very successful first harvest. We are now in the final stages of product development and hope to be presenting to potential customer the first of the new year. Meanwhile last year while I was completing the Emils transition, I was contacted by a buyer of a major meat company who wanted me to fix their meat thawing process. While I really wasn’t looking to get into the consulting business, I informed him I would only do this if I actually could make an impact on their overall business. They agreed and I named my new company: Solutions by A CEO.