这个想法最初是在CTSC社区参与工作人员会议上产生的,当时cue - nyc的执行主任詹妮弗·蒂芙尼(Jennifer Tiffany)了解到,康奈尔大学的70名医科学生接受了COVID-19疫苗接种的培训和认证,但由于学生们只在晚上和周末有时间,他们没有地方进行接种。
Cuce-Nyc的主要计划办公室之一位于皇后牙买加的生命中心之树内。Seeing an opportunity, I contacted Tree of Life Center partners Rev. Patrick O’Connor, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, and Bob Hayes, executive director of the Community Healthcare Network which operates federally qualified health centers serving neighborhoods throughout New York City and has been working tirelessly to administer vaccines and ensure equitable access. The offer of a cadre of medical students able to administer vaccines couldn’t have happened at a better moment.