环境对杂草种类的影响。Evaluation of the effects of biotic (e.g. plant competition; selective disease and insect predation) and abiotic factors (e.g. light, fertility, salinity) on the seed biology, growth and reproduction of important agricultural weeds (velvetleaf, pigweeds, common ragweed) and introduced invasive plant species (e.g. swallow-wort, mugwort) of natural communities in the Northeastern United States.
Averill, K. M., Mortensen, D. A., Smithwick, Erica A. H.,, Kalisz, S., McShea, W. J., Bourg, N. A., Parker, J. D., Royo, A. A., Abrams, M. D., Apsley, D. K., Blossey, B., Boucher, D. H., Caraher, K. L., DiTommaso, A., Johnson, S. E., Masson, R., & Nuzzo, V. A. (2018).对植物侵袭的白尾鹿效应的区域评价。AOB植物。10。