改善观赏作物的疾病管理是我计划的目的,重点是开发新信息,使纽约花卉产业受益。温室花卉企业往往位于高度人口稠密的地区,因此有许多涉及环境安全的邻居。越来越多地,种植者受到控制性能最小的化学投入和可靠信息的需要,仍然需要对控制的文化和生物学方法的疾病进行控制,并且需要开发用于实际应用的减少风险化学品。每年介绍数百种新的作物物种和品种,因此每年也有许多新疾病进行研究。One important new trend is that the cuttings for many vegetative annual crops are now produced off-shore, increasing the chance for introduction of exotic pathogens (e.g. the new downy mildew seen on coleus since 2005 and the new downy mildew that began affecting impatiens in NY landscapes in 2009) that represent a threat to US horticulture, and sometimes to US agriculture. Providing timely guidance to producers both off-shore and at home is essential for reducing disease losses and pathogen spread within the greenhouse industry. New culture methods (i.e. recirculating subirrigation in flood-floor or ebb/flood systems) designed to reduce run-off from production facilities have increased the opportunity for pathogen spread within greenhouses, and thus new control systems must be implemented to cope with these new challenges. The information that I collect through disease diagnosis, research and networking with other plant pathologists is delivered to growers, industry tradespeople and extension educators at conferences and individually. On the national level, I work closely with AmericanHort and the American Phytopathological Society to improve communication of disease management information. I aim to disseminate current knowledge of disease management techniques (IPM) to greenhouse and nursery growers, arborists, landscape gardeners and Master Gardeners. My objectives include improving the utility of biocontrols and cultural controls for management of Pythium, Phytophthora, Fusarium and powdery and downy mildew diseases. Helping the green industry to cope with the new boxwood blight and the new findings of oak wilt disease in New York State are additional priorities.