我主席康奈尔峡谷安全委员会,联合主席大学的鹿管理委员会,是弗洛拉·玫瑰馆(Flora Rose House)的研究员,并担任大学学生健康与安全委员会,健康咨询委员会和校园计划委员会的任职。努力通过支持循证措施防止灭绝来挽救美国的受威胁和濒危本地植物,我是植物保护中心的保护科学家。I also serve as an advisor to the City of Ithaca’s Parks, Recreation, and Natural Areas Committee, am a member of the Tompkins County Parks and Trails Network Committee, and hold an appointment to the Dryden Rail Trail Taskforce, where we are working to convert an abandoned railroad bed to create a continuous 16-mile trail.